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Війна між людьми і машинами затягнулася. Лідер опору Джон Коннор відправляє в минуле Кайла, щоб він врятував його матір від знищення термінатором. Успіх такого стрибка в часі під великим питанням, оскільки Скайнет вирішує завдати людям удар і в минулому, і в майбутньому.
Війна між людьми і машинами затягнулася. Лідер опору Джон Коннор відправляє в минуле Кайла, щоб він врятував його матір від знищення термінатором. Успіх такого стрибка в часі під великим питанням, оскільки Скайнет вирішує завдати людям удар і в минулому, і в майбутньому.
Terry Dale Parks,
David Cleveland Brown,
John Teal Jr.,
Douglas Wilcox II,
Andre Allemand,
Thomas Francis Murphy,
Terri Battee
Terry Dale Parks
David Cleveland Brown
John Teal Jr.
Douglas Wilcox II
Andre Allemand
Thomas Francis Murphy
Terri Battee
Екшен, Пригода, Наукова фантастика
Alan Taylor
Alan Taylor
Коментарі (0)
April 06, 2016
Terminator Genisys is the first of what has been described as a new, standalone trilogy, but if the first film is anything to go by, fans will most likely be throwing their hands in despair at what's to come.July 02, 2015
Sci-fi franchise reset that grafts a new storyline onto the 1984 original... The result looks like, oh I dunno, a 67-year-old skinjacket sagging off the skull-plate of an outdated T-800 Terminator.
Chicago Sun-Times
July 03, 2015
Of course the special effects are more impressive than ever. But nearly every curveball offered up in this new parallel-universe version of the Terminator world isn't as interesting or as original as the timeline we loved in the first place.July 02, 2015
"Terminator Genisys" is the first fully worthy successor to Cameron's original films and it shows Arnold may be old, but he's not obsolete.April 17, 2016
The most useless "Terminator" film to date, one that erases all "Terminator" films to date except the one it needed most to erase - itself.May 10, 2016
My complaint isn't based on nostalgia or generational grumbling; it's a fair demand for creativity in a blockbuster sea when movies seem to have taken the audience, unfairly, for granted.July 14, 2016
I liked it more than I thought I would, though I'm still not entirely sure I, you know, liked liked it.July 09, 2015
Part of what makes Terminator Genisys so pitiful as an evening out is that all the actors do over and over again is tell us why they're in a particular scene and why the movie exists.July 03, 2015
Terminator: Genisys, however, has none of the stakes, and none of the moral preoccupations, of its predecessors.July 02, 2015
Screenwriters Laeta Kalogridis and Patrick Lussier pile on so many pulpy sci-fi conceits -- involving time travel, alternate realities, and the end of civilization -- that you might be carried along by the batty excess.May 06, 2016
Does little more than remind you how good Terminator once was.June 11, 2016
Sarah Connor's taught Schwarzenegger's T-800 to smile. Maybe it looked good on paper. Never warm up a terminator. If it's not deadly, it's in danger of becoming a goofball.