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Alexander Skarsgård

Alexander Skarsgård

Birthday: 25 August 1976, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden
Birth Name: Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård
Height: 194 cm

Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård was born in Stockholm, Sweden and is the eldest son of famed actor Stellan Skarsgård. Among his siblings are actors Gustaf Skarsgård, Bill Skarsgård, and Valter S ...Show More

Alexander Skarsgård
(2011, on L.A.) You walk into the coffee shop, and the girl asks how your day is. When I first moved Show more (2011, on L.A.) You walk into the coffee shop, and the girl asks how your day is. When I first moved here, I loved that. I know it's shallow and superficial and she doesn't give a fuck about my day, but I still like it. It's difficult to get to know a Swede. But once you do, you're in. Hide
When I step into a project, I need to feel that there's a challenge, something new, something fresh Show more When I step into a project, I need to feel that there's a challenge, something new, something fresh about it. That being said, I'm kind of attracted to characters with a darkness or a sadness that they carry with them. Hide
I enjoy everything. Every single part of it is great -- just going to work, every day, and working o Show more I enjoy everything. Every single part of it is great -- just going to work, every day, and working on this show. It's HBO and it's Alan Ball. Just look at the cast, and the writing is phenomenal. I couldn't ask for a better job. I'm so happy to have the job. And, it was challenging, definitely in the beginning, when I was trying to find the character. I was reading the books and trying to figure out who this guy was, and also trying to find that balance of making him likable, but menacing. I wanted people to be intimidated by him, but intrigued, at the same time -- on what is the most enjoyable and the most challenging aspects of working on True Blood (2008). Hide
I grew up in a very secular society. I have atheist parents. My morality never came from religion or Show more I grew up in a very secular society. I have atheist parents. My morality never came from religion or from scripture, but that doesn't mean I can't have the same values or ethics. Hide
I wasn't like a Hollywood child actor - "I'm five! I can sing, I can dance, I can act! I wanna be a Show more I wasn't like a Hollywood child actor - "I'm five! I can sing, I can dance, I can act! I wanna be a star!" - the movie I did [at 13] was because the director was a friend of my dad's. I told my parents, I don't want to do this any more. My dad said, "You have to love it, if you don't feel that way, do the other thing, whatever it is." I'm very grateful that he did that. I would have listened to him if he'd said, "Keep going". I would have tried, and I would have done it for a few more years probably, but I'm absolutely sure I wouldn't be acting today. I would have crashed and burned after a while. Hide
(2011) The nice thing is that as long as I'm doing this TV show, I've got fuck-you money. So I can s Show more (2011) The nice thing is that as long as I'm doing this TV show, I've got fuck-you money. So I can say no to things. I never want to be in a position where I can't defend why I said yes. Hide
I spent two months in Fredericksburg, Texas, when I was 8, while my father shot a movie, and I loved Show more I spent two months in Fredericksburg, Texas, when I was 8, while my father shot a movie, and I loved it. I just embraced the whole cowboy culture. I got myself a pair of awesome boots and a cowboy hat. Then I got back to Sweden in September to go back to school, and I was so proud of my cowboy boots. I told my mom and my dad, "I'm going to wear these bad boys to school today, and all the kids are going to love me. I'm going to be the coolest kid in school." Then I showed up and everyone was like, "Dude, why are you wearing ladies' boots?" They didn't really work in Sweden. I wore them that one day, and then I ran home and cried and never wore those boots again. Hide
(2010, on his family life growing up) The doors were always open. On any given night, there would be Show more (2010, on his family life growing up) The doors were always open. On any given night, there would be 10 to 15 people around the dinner table. It was very loud, very crazy, there was a lot of food, a lot of alcohol, but it was also very loving. I was very much part of the chaos but I also had my room, and in there, when I was four or five, I would organize my cars and my action figures. I needed some kind of structure, I think, because it was so chaotic in the rest of the apartment. Hide
I was nervous when I first started True Blood (2008). If you do a play or a movie, you know the comp Show more I was nervous when I first started True Blood (2008). If you do a play or a movie, you know the complete arc of the character. You can see the end. But with a show like True Blood, you don't know what's going to happen. Hide
(2010, on moving to L.A. in 2004) The industry is very small in Sweden,' he says. 'There are a lot o Show more (2010, on moving to L.A. in 2004) The industry is very small in Sweden,' he says. 'There are a lot of great young filmmakers coming up now but 10 years ago it was very different. I was fortunate enough to be working, but when I was 28 or 29 and the offers were still "college guy, misunderstood, wants the girl", I just needed something different. Hide
[on playing Tarzan as a superhero] I see Tarzan as the original superhero. But he doesn't need a cap Show more [on playing Tarzan as a superhero] I see Tarzan as the original superhero. But he doesn't need a cape, or gadgets, or a mutation to be badass. His superpower lies in his fists. It's about what's a human being capable of physically. It's someone who learns to work with the jungle and not against it. Hide
Yeah. First of all, sex and violence are always something that attracts an audience, and vampire sto Show more Yeah. First of all, sex and violence are always something that attracts an audience, and vampire stories usually have a lot of both. And, vampires symbolize consistency and something that's permanent, in a world where everything is constantly changing -- humans, animals, nature and even mountains will change over time. To have something that will just stand the test of time is attractive. Eric has been around for a thousand years, and he hasn't changed one bit. That intrigues people. What makes good drama is that people are intrigued by that and drawn towards it, but at the same time, that comfort they feel in something that is consistent, is also lethal and can kill them in a second. That creates a good platform for drama. -- on why people are attracted to vampires and the whole sub-genre in general. Hide
I don't want people to know too much about me. It's easier for people to suspend belief that way. Th Show more I don't want people to know too much about me. It's easier for people to suspend belief that way. There's a risk when people see you in a part and they're watching Alexander Skarsgard. Also, I learned from my father to keep your integrity and protect your family...there are certain things that you can talk about and certain things you shouldn't talk about. Hide
I was fascinated by the male lion, the way he moved, the confidence. When he just sat down and looke Show more I was fascinated by the male lion, the way he moved, the confidence. When he just sat down and looked straight at the cameraman, he did absolutely nothing, but for a second you didn't know whether he was going to yawn and fall asleep or pounce. I thought it would be interesting to try to find that. You don't show your teeth, you don't say anything, you don't show it. It's the not knowing that's interesting. Anything could happen. -on studying film of wild lions that helped inspire his performance as Eric Northman. Hide
(2011, on his father) We're more like brothers than father and son. We hang out. I'll take him out w Show more (2011, on his father) We're more like brothers than father and son. We hang out. I'll take him out with my buddies in LA or in Stockholm, and it's never awkward or anything. He's 60, but he likes to party. Hide
(2010, on his career) I'm always looking for something that's real and that's got meat on it. I thin Show more (2010, on his career) I'm always looking for something that's real and that's got meat on it. I think it's artistic suicide if you're too vain, or if you're afraid to play ugly. I would never fall for that. Hide
[on being unsure about the skimpy costumes for Tarzan] I don't want to disappoint the audience. It w Show more [on being unsure about the skimpy costumes for Tarzan] I don't want to disappoint the audience. It was important to me that before he met other people, the character never used to wear clothes. It would look absurd if a man raised by apes would suddenly start blushing and covering up. Tarzan would go naked and so I had to as well. The jungle's very humid. I'm quite pleased I didn't have to wear any clothes. Hide
Alexander Skarsgård's FILMOGRAPHY - Page 4
as Actor (106)