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The Jamie Foxx Show - Season 1

Texas native Jamie King (Jamie Foxx, 'In Living Color') is an aspiring actor who heads to Hollywood in hopes to find fame and fortune in the entertainment industry. To support himself, he works at his Aunt Helen (Ellia English) and Uncle Junior's (Garrett Morris, 'Martin') Los Angeles hotel, the King's Towers. On the job, he annoys co-worker Braxton P. Hartnabrig (Christopher B. Duncan), the up-tight accountant, and tries to win the attention of gorgeous desk clerk, Francesca 'Fancy' Monroe (Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon, 'NYPD Blue', 'Opposite Sex'), who has made it clear that she is not interested in an office romance. Nevertheless, Jamie is determined to maintain his skills as an entertainer and move into the limelight. After starting out as a member of the 'In Living Color' troupe, Foxx stars in his own show that was the WB's highest-rated series for the 1996-1997 season. First Telecast: August 28, 1996 Last Telecast: January 14, 2001 Episodes: 100 Color Episodes
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The Jamie Foxx Show - Season 1
CRITICS OF "The Jamie Foxx Show - Season 1"
Common Sense Media

May 28, 2019

Featuring an all-African-American cast, The Jamie Foxx Show's humor relies more on good comedy writing than strong or demeaning racial stereotypes.
New York Times

July 16, 2019

The characters think it's a wild success, but it doesn't look that way from the other side of the television screen.