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Episode 01: Mysterious Party of Pirates! The Sunny and a Dangerous Trap Episode 02: Sunny in a Pinch! Roar, Secret Superspeed Mecha Episode 03: The Dream Sinking in the New World! The Pirate of Despair, Puzzle Episode 04: The Assassins Attack! The Great Battle Above the Ice Begins Episode 05: The Hard Fights of the Straw Hat Crew! The Pirate Soul Banking it All on the Episode 06: Hot Full Throttle! The Twins' Magnetic Power Draws Near Episode 07: The Great Chaos Mansion! The Angry Don and the Imprisoned Crew Episode 08: The Phoenix Returns! The Dream of the Pirate Flag Sworn to a Friend Episode 09: The Red Hot Decisive Battle! Luffy vs. the Scorching Don Episode 10: Waiting in the New World! Farewell to the Courageous Pirates Episode 11: Chopperman Departs! Protect the TV Station by the Shore Episode 12: Venture Into the Devil's Sea! The Mysterious Skeleton Floating Through the Fog Episode 13: The Delight of Having Met People! The Gentleman Skeleton's True Colors Episode 14: One Phenomenon After Another! Disembarking at Thriller Bark Episode 15: The Man Called a Genius! Hogback Appears! Episode 16: Nami in Big Trouble! The Zombie Mansion and the Invisible Man Episode 17: Mystery of the Zombies! Hogback's Nightmarish Research Laboratory Episode 18: His Name is Moria! Trap of the Great Shadow-Stealing Pirate Episode 19: Feast of the Zombie Song! The Bell of the Night Raid is a Sound of Darkness Episode 20: Filled with Animals!? Perona's Wonder Garden Episode 21: Disappearing Strawhat Crew! The Mysterious Swordsman Appears! Episode 22: Leftover Chivalry! The Traitorous Zombie who Protects Nami Episode 23: Coming from the Sky! That Man is the Episode 24: Luffy in an Emergency! The Living Place of the Strongest Shadow! Episode 25: The Warrior Called a Demon!! The Time of Oars's Resurrection Episode 26: Awakening After 500 Years!! Oars Revives!! Episode 27: Conviction Strong Enough to Beg for One's Life!! Brook Protects his Afro Episode 28: A Man's Oath will Never Die! From Far Memories to the Waiting Friend Episode 29: We will Definately Meet Again! Brook and the Promise of the Cape Episode 30: Food, Nami and Shadows!! Luffy's Angry Counterattack Episode 31: Usopp the Strongest? Leave the Negatives to Me Episode 32: Sudden Death of the General Zombies!! Oars in an Adventurous Mood Episode 33: Sanji, the Knight of Flames!! Kick Down the False Ceremony Episode 34: Invisibility Connection? Sanji's Stolen Dream Episode 35: Saving Hero!! The Enemy is the Invincible Princess Episode 36: Perona's Terror!! The U in Uso is the U in Usopp Episode 37: Slashes Dancing on the Roof!! Finale - Zoro vs. Ryuma Episode 38: Chopper`s Rage!! Hogback`s Demonic Medical Practice Episode 39: Oars Roars!! Come Out Straw Hat Crew Episode 40: The Enemy is Luffy!! The Strongest Zombie vs. the Straw Hat Crew Episode 41: Defeat Absalom!! Nami's Lightning Attack of Friendship! Episode 42: One Down!! Sure Kill Straw Hat Docking? Episode 43: Soundless Invasion!! The Mysterious Visitor: Kuma the Tyrant Episode 44: Oars + Moria - The Greatest Combination of Brains and Brawn Episode 45: A Crazy Strategy to Turn the Tables - The Creation of Nightmare Luffy Episode 46: The Straw Hat crew annihilated! Full-throttle Kage Kage abilities! Episode 47: The Battle for Superiority Starts! Luffy vs. Luffy Episode 48: The Conclusion Arrives! Deliver the Finishing Blow Episode 49: The Bodies Vanish! The Morning Sun Pierces Through the Nightmare Island! Episode 50: The Endless Crisis! Orders to Obliterate the Straw Hat Crew Episode 51: Kuma`s Nikyu Nikyu Abilities That Deflect Everything Episode 52: My Companions' Pain is My Pain - Zoro Prepares to Die Episode 53: The Promise on that Distant Day - The Song of Pirates and a Small Whale Episode 54: Brook`s Past - Sad Farewell to the Cheerful Crew Episode 55: Binks`s Sake - The Song that Connects the Past and Present Episode 56: A New Crewmate! Musician - The Hummer Brook Episode 57: Noro Noro Menace - Return of Foxy the Silver Fox

One Piece

Gol D. Roger był znany jako „Król Piratów”, najsilniejsza i najbardziej niesławna istota, która żeglowała po Grand Line. Schwytanie i egzekucja Rogera przez rząd światowy przyniosła zmianę na całym świecie. Jego ostatnie słowa przed śmiercią ujawniły istnienie największego skarbu świata, One Piece. To właśnie to objawienie przyniosło wielki wiek piratów, ludzi, którzy marzyli o znalezieniu One Piece - co obiecuje nieograniczoną ilość bogactw i sławy - i całkiem możliwe, że szczyt chwały i tytuł Króla Piratów. Monkey D. Luffy'ego, 17-letni chłopiec, w myśl o ekscytującej przygodzie postanawia zostać piratem. Podążając śladami swojego bohatera z dzieciństwa, Luffy i jego załoga podróżują po Grand Line, przeżywając szalone przygody, odkrywając mroczne tajemnice i walcząc z silnymi wrogami, a wszystko po to, aby zdobyć najbardziej pożądany ze wszystkich fortun - One Piece.
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