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Doctor Who S10E12 Available from: 01-07-2017
Doctor Who S10E11 Available from: 24-06-2017
Doctor Who S10E10 Available from: 17-06-2017
Doctor Who S10E09 Available from: 10-06-2017
Doctor Who S10E08 Available from: 03-06-2017
Doctor Who S10E07 Available from: 27-05-2017
Doctor Who S10E06 Available from: 20-05-2017
Doctor Who S10E05 Available from: 13-05-2017
Doctor Who S10E04 Available from: 06-05-2017
Doctor Who S10E03 Available from: 29-04-2017
Doctor Who S10E02 Available from: 22-04-2017
Doctor Who S10E01 Available from: 15-04-2017

Доктор Кто Episode 01: The Pilot

Доктор Кто выглядит как человек и ведёт себя как человек. Он симпатичен и остроумен, и можно было бы принять его за обыкновенного человека с улицы. Но он — Повелитель Времени: 900-летний инопланетянин с двумя сердцами, отпрыск изобретательнейшей цивилизации, овладевшей путешествиями во времени. Доктор спасает обитаемые планеты, — большей частью для удовольствия, собственно говоря — и он очень и очень хорош в этом. Он спасал нас не раз от внеземной угрозы и Зла от начала времён, но кто же он на самом деле?
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Travis Hymas

April 17, 2017

I know some fans would prefer Matt Lucas be nowhere near this show, but I still like the idea of having an alien companion, and he does get the episode's best lines; which aren't just jokes.
Ben Lawrence

April 16, 2017

This episode may not have pushed all the buttons, but it was a reminder of how good Doctor Who can be when it tugs at the heartstrings, and moves from pyrotechnics into a more thoughtful, psychologically ambitious orbit.
Zoe Delahunty-Light

April 18, 2017

As for that line about tears - phwoar. Talk about giving an alien that could be sipped up with a straw some unexpected emotional depth.
Kevin Yeoman

April 16, 2017

The task of bringing on a new companion is no easy feat, but Moffat made it work with some clever rearranging and editing of typical Doctor Who conventions. But really, "The Pilot" shined because of its focus on individual characters over plot.
Steven Cooper

April 17, 2017

In place of the complex arc plotting and time-travel trickery characteristic of much of his previous work, Moffat presents a deliberately new viewer-friendly story that, as with "Rose," follows the point of view of a fresh companion.
Noam Cohen

April 17, 2017

The new companion, the charmingly eccentric Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie), is ushered in by Nardole, who for some reason does not qualify as a companion himself ... despite the fact that he travels with the Doctor, is privy to his secrets, etc.
Patrick Mulkern

April 18, 2017

What I enjoy most about this episode is that at its heart -- partly cloaked in intrigue and menace -- is a romance, an attraction that transcends space and time.
Craig Jones

April 18, 2017

To laud "The Pilot" as the perfect start to the season is an exercise in wishful thinking. The plot's pretty thin, revolving around a mysterious puddle that seemingly consumes some of those who look into it.
Scott Collura

April 16, 2017

Doctor Who returns for Peter Capaldi's final season in an amiable and fun introduction of Pearl Mackie's new companion, Bill.
Simon Brew

April 16, 2017

"The Pilot" felt like a few things. A soft reset of Doctor Who, an introduction for Bill, and the start of a new mystery for us, and for the Doctor... A good, solid launching point for a run, then.
Доктор Кто
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