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Inuyasha - Season 1
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Inuyasha - Season 1 Episode 07

The series begins again to reflect a wide range of powerful events and adventures. Most notably, Kajum learns that Inuyasha is a half demon, born of a human mother and a demon dog. Brother Sumuyomaru, brother of Inuyasha, appears in search of their father's grave. In order to manipulate Inuyasha, he brings the dead mother of Inuyasha with him. But it turns out that the woman demon is known as muonna. On the other hand, Muonna made Inuyasha reveal the place of his father's grave. Sesshomaru removes the right eye in Inuyasha (black pearl) and opens the entrance to the tomb. Kagome angry at the cruelness of Sesshomaru. Go with Inuyasha after Sesshomaru. Inside the tomb of their father is a memento of Inuyasha's father, the sword Tetsusaiga.
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